Friday, February 20, 2015


Unbelievable. The things I find in the oldest corners of my art. 

Presenting Mr. William J. Lynch's Improvement in Supporters for Cotton-Pickers.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

One of MY Very Own!

Once in a while, you'll see me staring at something (usually an umbrella or tent, okay, we're not talking about the other things I stare at) and most of the time it's just because it is a device that I've seen before in the patent database. But every so often, it's really - REALLY - familiar. And that's because it's one that I issued. Even better is when it's covered in a national medium like a popular magazine...

So, for the first time on GMABC, here's one of my own little patent babies, as touted by my boys over at Men's Journal, US Patent 8360082. This one took a lot of work to get all the details right before I was able to issue it, so it's especially satisfying.